The Chemin de fer de Provence is both a place for the body and for thought
We are pleased to welcome throughout the year artists and collectives from all walks of life, through temporary exhibitions accessible to travelers and all the curious in stations and on the line!
If you would like to take advantage of a popular space for expression and exhibition, and make your work known to the large public, do not wait to contact the Commercial service to submit your works and creations 👩🎨
📩, specify in subject “EXHIBITION PROJECT”: all requests are considered.
Please consult the Terms and Conditions of Application* below.
Find all the artistic projects that have been received here it is !
*Exhibition application procedures:
👩🏼💻 A web site and/or blog
📱 A social media presence
⏲️ Hosting for a maximum of one month📃 A Siret number (if pro)
📔 A portfolio of your work
All requests are considered!