The Chemins de fer de Provence regularly host events and exhibitions, the result of cooperative work with collectives and artists of all kinds.
Découvrez la première exposition de l’un de nos agents !
Du 03/04 au 03/05, venez admirer en gare de Nice le travail photographique de Brian Agnes, régulateur aux Chemins de fer de Provence.
L’exposition « Passé l’été » est l’expression d’un sentiment d’esseulement éprouvé lorsque les touristes quittent les lieux de villégiature. Entre nostalgie et contemplation, ces photographies donnent à voir des décors vidés de leurs figurants.

Calendar of artistic and cultural experiences, to be discovered during your travels on the Chemins de fer de Provence line!
2023 :
from 03/04 to 03/05 : Exhibition « Passé l’été » Brian Agnes in Nice station
From 17/02 to 17/03 : Exhibition Mr Martinez in Nice station
From 15/01 to 16/02 : Exhibition Atelier Le Vignal in Nice station
2022 :
From 29/07 to 29/08 : Exhibition Mr Raiola in Nice station
From 01/07 to 30/09 : Exhibition OSCARR in Annot station
From 01/04 to 30/06 : Exhibition OSCARR in Entrevaux station
From 30/01 to 31/03 : OSCARR exhibition in Puget-Théniers station
From 10/02 to 10/04 : AYS DUO exhibition in Nice station
Exhibitions hosted in 2021 :
From 05/05 to 07/06 : Exhibition of the painter Mr GASTAUD, in Nice station
from 25/06 to 09/07 : Exhibition of the painter Mr FOSSAT, in Nice station
from 10/07 to 10/10 : Exhibition BOTOX(S), monumental works exposed all along the line
from 15/10 to 30/11 : Exhibition of the plastic artists collective OSCARR, in Nice station